Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Unicorn Planet!!!!!!!

Web Critique: Mess Hall

Eye Catching...and organized-looking...but is it really organized???. Images are not random...but create interest. There are no tabs up top to deepen your search. You have scroll down and really look at the opening page to find links to what you are interested in.The colors are simple but draw attention to necessary areas.

I have grown accustomed to the boring tab up top routine but I do like that for easy access...so I wish the mess hall would use that method too. Although eye catching it isn't as easy to navigate as other websites we have looked at.

All the content is there if you are willing to snoop around and look for it. You can find out how to get there by CTA, there is a calendar of event, you can get more information on workshops, there are random links that you won'tt know what they are about until you click on them and you can find out what the Mess Hall is really about. I especially really like the link that leads to the web showing what the mess hall is all about.
I kind of think that should be on the opening page though.

Web Critique:

Ugh...the design is a total bore. Really boring that I don't really want to explore the site.
There are images when you enter the tab areas but nothing on the front....it is an artist site and you would never tell by the look of it.

The layout is typical with tabs to explore details of the site. The front page is reallyreally lacking.

BUT the content is so fascinating!!! I live two blocks from pilsen and love the community...and have never heard of this organization. Because the meat and heart of the website is of interest to me I will definitely follow it.

Web Critique: Chicago Art Dept.

Super simple, catchy easy design that pops with interest/flavor
I like it very much.

I really like the layout...again with the tabs up top to navigate to different areas of the site...easy to find.
I really dig the "non pretentious" opening page with youtube videos and clips....very open...nothing to hide...what you see is what you get.

The very first thing you read on the front is a clip explaining the site---"non pretentious"
There is so much to absorb on the opening page but it isn't wordy and it is easy to see so that you can pick your poison..so to speak.
Under the tabs are more written content...also with more visuals.
I think it is clear...what they are about, how to reach them, who is involved and what is going on there.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


3 Walls Web Critique

The content is thorough...but if I wasn't asked to look at this for class, I might have passed it by because of the layout.

When you first look at this website...unless you already know what it is...it is difficult to tell what it is about. The front needs to be both exciting and informational...especially when it is not well known. I do like the tabs on the left side, but the main images to the right don't really tell us what the place is all about...those images could have been somewhere else in the website.

I really like that the tab/links were located on the left side on a wooden background...wood=walls. Other than that I think the design is lacking interest. I would like more upfront visuals ...maybe visuals that go into the links of artist in residence...like having an image of the artist and the art.

MCA Web Critique

I like how you can find the content in many different places on tabs or already given on the front of the site. I am not sure why Enews and JoinNow are in bright color tabs and the rest of the important information one needs is on the neutral tone tabs. I honestly don't see any content missing that I would like to know. I really do like that the education tab is easily accessible for teachers!

It is easy to see the tabs used to find all of the information.
Again...the layout is such that it is easy to find information because layout has put it in multiple areas of the site....maybe trying to be intuitive to different methods people would have for looking for information.

I really like the new design! I think it is sleek and clean looking...reminding me of the MCA. There are striking images, but not too many on the front of the site. The images and layout seem very intentional.
I like the asymmetry in the design.

Monday, March 2, 2009

One more thing!

I went to a flea circus last weekend....and boy(!!!)...what a silly experience. I guess it was very much a traditional Victorian Era thing to do....and ...do try to catch one sometime.

Web Critique: Experimental Sound Studio

Wow...reading away as I was...I was really impressed by the clarity in their writing. They put tons of informations out there but it is sectioned off neatly so that a reader can easily skim through and find the exact information he/she is looking for when searching this site. I'm really happy to know about this. I instantly emailed my boyfriend and said we should start checking out dates and go enjoy some experimental sounds.

It is funny...I was impressed by the layout and design of the last critique but I am really impressed by the crisp layout of this one...or is it crisp design? Hmph. Anyway...I thnk everything is clearly layed out for the reader to sift through. The layout format is consistent with an image and then info...with titles for each section.

The design is calming. very organized. Very clear. Very easy on the eye.
The funny thing is though...it is an experimental music p;lace and the site is so perfect and organized! ha!
Well....I guess I'll have to see what I think of the site's reflection on the environment when I go listen to a show sometime.

I'm jealous of people who have time to paint their hands and take photos....maybe we can incoporate this into a cyberped project???? Hmmmm...just a thought.


Ok...ladies and gents...
I've added a new link to make you smile.
It is called BOOM BOX...you'll see the link to the right of your screen and you can just click on it and have a little fun....plus...such a great little music mix.

Hope you had a great week and I missed you all on Thursday....my darn TA schedule got in the way!!!!

oh wait....I'm going to try to share right here....

BOOMBOX from Ely Kim on Vimeo.

Web Critique: Stockyard Institute Chicago

The site begins with a mission statement making its purpose clear from the moment you enter the site. The tabs are clear and easy to see so that one looking at the site can easily navigate. There is just enough information to understand the site and to get interested. If you need to ask questions there are clear links to reach someone.

I actually really like the layout. When the opening page of Stockyard loads onto the computer screen it is instantly clear how to search for information involving the Stockyard Institution. They do not have too much info on any of their tabs making their site easy to navigate.

Design wise...I am quite drawn to the site. I like the rough feel...with photo image and cutout color. When you click on Press and Contact there are no images. I do wish they would have put images on those two links as well...I mean...why wouldn't you? :)