Monday, March 2, 2009

Web Critique: Experimental Sound Studio

Wow...reading away as I was...I was really impressed by the clarity in their writing. They put tons of informations out there but it is sectioned off neatly so that a reader can easily skim through and find the exact information he/she is looking for when searching this site. I'm really happy to know about this. I instantly emailed my boyfriend and said we should start checking out dates and go enjoy some experimental sounds.

It is funny...I was impressed by the layout and design of the last critique but I am really impressed by the crisp layout of this one...or is it crisp design? Hmph. Anyway...I thnk everything is clearly layed out for the reader to sift through. The layout format is consistent with an image and then info...with titles for each section.

The design is calming. very organized. Very clear. Very easy on the eye.
The funny thing is though...it is an experimental music p;lace and the site is so perfect and organized! ha!
Well....I guess I'll have to see what I think of the site's reflection on the environment when I go listen to a show sometime.

1 comment:

  1. good point - the site design is very traditional/straight-laced for an organization that is about experimentation!

    if you're interested in working in sound (or incorporating sound into other non-sound pieces), you should check out their residency option! it's not free this year (due to the economy), but highly subsidized if you want some sound studio access and help. lou malozzi who runs this place was a regular artist-in-residence at ragdale where i used to work - a very cool guy. :)
