Monday, February 9, 2009

Web Critique::::Hyde Park Art Center


I think that the Hyde Park Art center should follow in the Art Institute's lead and put their address and phone info on the left colomn where there is less information...also we read from left to right. But I know this is new because I used to always have to scroll to the bottom to get the address and/or phone number....so I'm happy it is moving on up! There is a lot of content on the front that I believe to be unnecessary and distracting. I enjoyed the hole in the wall story :)...and just realized my teacher bio is on there and it is way outdated and I haven't given an art pic to the art center to put with it!!! Who do I speak with about that?
I think the staff info or a link to staff should be on the front page...I would always have a difficult time finding it. I mean it seems obvious...but it would be great if a link were on the front.

I actually really like the design. I think it is easy to read...and the opening picture really pulls me in...makes me want to know more about the art center. The tabs are easy to see and read and are well placed.
The font is interesting...yet easy to read. The color scheme is relaxed. The design is orderly, artistic...but doesn't quite represent the funkyness that I love about the art center....hmmm....if I knew more about web design I could give a suggestion here. I guess I would like some roughness...layering almost like by clicking on a link on the main page you are peeling away a piece of a collage and revealing the inside of the art center???? hmmmmm

The tabs and links are very easy to read. I do think that the address information and transportation info should be the first thing we see. I think the images before each topic on the front page are fitting but I think that they could be used as buttons to click on to lead to different areas to add some interest to the search of info.


  1. great feedback, jess. we'll look into moving the address/info further up on the site. and you can pass along updates to your info, etc. to either michelle or myself.

    you mention unnecessary and distracting info on the home page. were there specifics you were thinking of? if so, where would you suggest moving th info to, or is it complete extraneous? And that's interesting what you mention about the design. that the slickness is not indicative of who we are. websites should portray the character of the organization, and it's good to hear from an artist who knows us whether we're getting that across.

  2. I like your comment about HPAC's "funkiness" needing to come through and your idea about peeling away layers of a collage. Sometimes the best web design ideas are "borrowed" or inspired by other sites. Have you seen any other sites out there that capture that funkiness you're looking for on the HPAC site? From there, it's easier to identify what design elements help give it that look and feel instead of trying to pull ideas out of the air (though again, your off the cuff collage suggestion sounds really cool). :)
